Here are a few updates. Hudson is making leaps and bounds these days. His crawling skills are beyond anything I could ever have imagined. I believe he can crawl faster than I can run. He is walking while holding on to the furniture. He thinks this is a really fun game. A couple of days ago he took a couple of steps without holding on to anything but he hasn't done it since then. I'm trying to keep the video camera at the ready just in case. Got to catch those moments while I can! He has also become quite the ham in front of a camera. As soon as the camera comes out he starts making faces. Most of my pictures of him come out fuzzy because I'm laughing so hard I can't keep the camera still. We can see more and more of his personality coming out with each passing day. He is very head strong. He knows what he wants and he goes for it, despite the consequences. On the flip side he is also cautious, always "testing the waters" before jumping in. He is extremely social. He is so happy when he is around a crowd, young or old, doesn't matter to him. He will go to just about anyone. He is very loving, giving out hugs and kisses like they are going out of style! He talks non-stop, mostly baby babble, but he does say a few words. Right now his favorite is Buddeeeee (Buddy is my parents pug).
On a more emotional note, He is the thing Jim and I look forward to the most at the end of the day. He lights up a room with his smile and charm. Some days I just know he was an angel sent to us from above.
As always I've included some pictures....
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